People reside in cities for many different
reasons including:
Location of job offer
Family ties
Cheap cost of living
If you have not narrowed down what city you
will relocate to, consider these factors:
Cost of Living
Your buying power is measured by the cost
of living index. The index tracks the average cost of groceries, health
care, transportation, housing, utilities, and miscellaneous goods and
services. For example, a person making $70,000 in New Orleans could only
have the buying power of $25,000 in New York City due to the high cost
of living. Usually, the big metropolitan cities of the Northeast and the
West Coast will have a higher cost of living index score. Importantly,
the cost of living in the city you choose to reside in will affect your
ability to save money. Cost of living indexes can be found in your local
Weather has played an increasing factor in
where Americans choose to reside. In fact, over the last several decades
there has been a major shift from The Rust Belt (Industrial Midwest and
Eastern cities) to the Sun Belt (Southern cities with warmer year round
Cool Factor
Many young people want to live in a cool
place. Cool cities offer the entertainment venues, night clubs, restaurants,
and local government tolerance toward young adults, that make you feel
at home. Check out where young adults currently make a large percentage
of the population.
Local Economy
You want to live in a vibrant city that is
growing and not one that is decaying. Healthy local economies produce
a wide range of good paying jobs that attracts more people and more venues
to the city.
offers a questionaire that gives you cities that match your criteria.